Your Home Inspection Found Mold – Now What? Here’s What You Need To Do.

Home Inspection Found MoldAre you in the process of buying or selling a home? Has the home inspection found mold? The word mold stirs a lot of emotion especially when you’re looking to buy or sell. For a home seller, they may feel disappointment or scared that the home they own will not sell. It can also conjure up feelings of how to pay to get rid of the mold and how much it will cost them. For the buyer, they may feel a home with mold is not what they want for their family. They get scared and look to find another home.

In recent years, the media has been sharing more news about black mold and its effect on people. This has caused people to become aware but also scared of mold. One thing to keep in mind is that not all mold is the same and mold spores are everywhere. The key is to identify the source of the mold and to have that mold remediated.

If you see mold in the home you are looking to buy or sell, there is no need to spend more money on a mold test. There is already evidence of mold in the home. All mold is not the same as we said above but all mold is treated and removed the same way. With this said, the type of mold does not matter. However, there may need to be some additional exploration to find the source (cause) of mold.

Besides cleaning and removing the mold, you’ll want an expert who will work with you to correct the cause so future mold does not come back. This gives everyone in the selling and buying process peace of mind.

So what should the next steps be now that the home inspection found mold? Listed below are several key steps to keep the house selling and buying process moving forward even when a home inspection found mold:

  1. Connect with a local reliable mold removal expert in your area. (CCS Property Service – Green Bay, Wisconsin)
  2. Schedule a FREE mold assessment.
  3. As the seller will you pay for the mold clean-up and remediation to be completed? If yes, then…
  4. Schedule the mold removal and cleanup work to be done.
  5. Give the clean-up report to the realtor.
  6. Schedule the closing of the home.

As the buyer, are you willing to pay for the mold clean up and remediation to be completed? If yes, then…

  1. Close on the home.
  2. Schedule the mold removal and cleanup work.
  3. Enjoy your new home.

If the home inspection found mold, don’t panic. Know that you can get expert mold assessments of the home you are interested in purchasing. Once you are given the information from a mold removal company or two, you can take the knowledge you have and make an informed decision on the home. At CCS Property Service we’ve been helping homeowners, prospective buyers and sellers, and real estate agents through this process for over 25 years. Feel free to call CCS Property Services for all of your mold remediation and removal needs.

We always offer a FREE assessment of your situation because each one is different. Call us today at 920.435.2288.  For additional questions on mold, check out our Mold FAQ Section here.